Results for the Winter Fair 2022 Show.

Dairy Cattle
Showmanship Classes
Dairy Shorthorn
Inter Breed Championship
Best Kept Dairy Stall


Final timetable of judging will be published following close of entries

9.00 am Judging of Showmanship Classes
10.00 am Judging of Dairy Shorthorn, Jersey, Ayrshire and Holstein breed classes Judging of Junior Championships Judging of Heifer Championships
12.30 noon 1.00pm Lunch Break Class judging continued
3.00pm Judging of Breed Championships
4.00pm Judging of Supreme Championship

Cattle Classes:

JUDGE: Mr Pierre Boulet, Canada

Best Kept Dairy Stall & Trade Stand:

JUDGE: Andrew Short


FRIDAY 18 NOVEMBER 2022 (5.00pm)

Cattle may only be entered in one class.

Exhibitors must book the number of stalls which they wish to use during the Show and may enter as many animals as they wish on or before the closing date for entries. Exhibitors may not bring to the Show more animals than the number of stalls reserved at the time of entry.

The Compulsory Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Scheme (BVD).
All animals attending the show must have been tested negative for BVD at some point in their lives and evidence of this must accompany entry forms at time of entry.
For cattle born on/after 01/03/2016, only those animals with BVDN status on APHIS (negative BVD test result) can be moved into a "Show" herd. APHIS will block the movement of animals which don't have BVDN status.
For cattle born before 01/03/2016, animals with an APHIS status of BVDP (positive), BVDI (inconclusive), DAMPI (dam of a positive animal) or OFFPI (offspring of a positive animal) cannot be moved into a "Show" herd. APHIS will block the movement of animals which have any of these statuses.
For imported animals born on or after 1st March 2016 and resident in a NI herd, a BVDN status is required before the animal can be moved into a Show herd. Statuses can only be obtained where samples have been tested in laboratories approved under the NI scheme. AHWNI can attempt to obtain BVD statuses for animals that have been imported from the ROI, so owners of any such animals should contact AHWNI, allowing time for a test to be carried out should a BVD Negative result not be available.
Imported animals, not resident in a NI herd and moving directly to a Show, should be tested with virus negative results or should be the dam of a virus-negative calf. Show Operators may ask for evidence of the relevant virus-negative test result or proof that the animal concerned is the dam of a virus-negative calf.
Proof of BVD Negative status
Farmers can access the AHWNI database (, using their government gateway ID and password, for BVD test results and to print certificates of BVD negative test results. BVD statuses are also available on APHIS online and on APHIS herd lists.
In summary, only those animals with a BVD status of BVDN (negative) INDNEG (indirect negative) or 'blank' (no BVD status on APHIS) can move into the Show Herd. Any animal with an APHIS status of BVDP, BVDI, DAMPI, OFFPI or BVDU (unknown) status cannot be moved into the "Show" herd.
In respect of imported animals born on or after 1/3/2016, if a result from an approved laboratory has not already been provided by the vendor, the Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Scheme Order (Northern Ireland) 2016 requires a valid BVD test to be completed within 20 days of the date of importation.

Exhibitors from outside Northern Ireland
It is the sole responsibility of cattle exhibitors from outside Northern Ireland to ensure that their animals meet all current veterinary import and export regulations to enable their animals to travel to the Royal Ulster Winter Fair, and return, with the necessary import and export certification.


Stall Fee (per stall) £35 £40
Entry Fee (per entry) £7 £12
Showmanship Class Fee £5 £10
Note: All stall and entry fees are non-refundable. All entry fees include VAT


Below are the number of cash prizes to be awarded provided the Judge finds sufficient merit (Reg 53).

PRIZES FOR CLASSES (5,9,10,14,15,19,20,21)

1st £150 6th £40
2nd £100 7th £30
3rd £60 8th £25
4th £50 9th £20
5th £45 10th £15


1st £200 6th £80
2nd £150 7th £60
3rd £110 8th £50
4th £100 9th £40
5th £90 10th £30


1st £50, 2nd £30, 3rd £20.

Rosette and red tail ribbon for Best Udder in each class. Only in milk animals are eligible.

Best Exhibitor Bred animal in each class £50. Exhibitor bred status is defined in the relevant Breed Society rules.

1st £75, 2nd, £50, 3rd £25.
All exhibits will be entered automatically for this award which is confined to individual exhibitors. The Judge will take into consideration presentation of cattle, cleanliness of lines, marketing and promotion of the herd and the attendants associated with the herd.