Results for the Beef & Lamb 2023 Show.
Beef Cattle
BEEF CATTLE Entry Fee; Beef Cattle (per animal, inc stall) RUAS Member £50; Non Member £55 YFCU Cattle (per animal inc pen) £50 Cattle may only be entered in one class. Cattle entered must be under 30 months on the day of the show (with the exception of the Breeding Heifer) Cattle Entries will not be accepted without full tag numbers. Maximum weight of animal for Housewife Championship is 590kgs. Larger classes will be split by weight at discretion of the chief steward on the morning of the show. The Breeding Heifer Class will be Judged as a Championship Class and will not be eligible for the Housewife Championship or Supreme Champion. Entries for the YFCU classes will only be accepted with a valid YFCU membership number. Animals entered in the YFCU class CANNOT be entered in any other Breed Class. All handlers under 14 on the day of the show and exhibiting in a class other than for young handlers must provide a certificate of competence signed by their parent or qualifed person. Exhibitors must confirm at point of entry if they are willing to export. NB: exhibitors must make themselves aware of the regulations regarding exporting animals. Beef Cattle must be offered for sale by auction. |