Results for the Balmoral Show 2024 Show.

Connemara Ponies
62REGISTERED CONNEMARA PONY, MARE, 4 years and upwards with or without foal.
63REGISTERED CONNEMARA PONY, FILLY or GELDING, two and three year old.
64REGISTERED RIDDEN CONNEMARA PONY, MARE or GELDING, 4 and 5 years old suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have attained their 12th birthday on the 1st January in the current year.
65REGISTERED RIDDEN CONNEMARA PONY, MARE or GELDING, 4 years old or over suitable for and to be ridden by riders who have attained their 10th birthday but not their 16th birthday on 1st January in the current year.
66REGISTERED RIDDEN CONNEMARA PONY, MARE or GELDING, 6 years old or over suitable for and to be ridden by riders 10 years old and over on the 1st January in the current year.
S48CHAMPION PRIZES, £50 and £25 for the Champion and Reserve Champion Ridden Connemara. Presented by Mrs Mandy Boyle.
S49THE HENDERSON AND GRAHAM PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY - for the winner of class 62. Presented by the Henderson and Graham family.
S50CASHEL BAY STUD PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY - for the winner of class 63. Presented by Robbie & Barbara Fallon.
S51ROBSON PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY - for the winner of class 64.
S52CASHEL BAY STUD PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY - for the winner of class 65. Presented by Robbie & Barbara Fallon.
S53R.J. MONTEITH PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY - for the winner of class 66. Presented by Marina and James Wray.


Entry Fees: RUAS Member £75, Non Member £80
Stabling is included in the entry fee for the evening before the class only.

Entries will be limited to the first 15 received in each class.